Special skill is to place traps and mines on the approaches to the city, and the powerful assistant is the seismic zero. Dragon Clan - People Wrapped in Asian Cultures.On the balance of the army - mammoths and dinosaur-titan triceratops Northerners - reminiscent of the ancient Scandins of the tribe, with a specialization on armor and powerful protection.Building cities can be transported or disassembled, then the treasury will replenish the resources again Dressmen - Infantry nomads, armed with poison and huge tyrantosaurs.Sozh, other scientific figures and former babbit comrades are searched for them. And to confront the glittering plans of an alternative Third Reich should a three of young enthusiasts - geologist Cole, Holmlund biologist and Physicist Benedek. A group of scientists of the 19th century led by Jarvis Babbit (Seas) was able to find 'pass' In Paramy, to establish its power there.
Paraworld is a parallel world where dinosaurs are tamed pets of a person, and for the full development of civilization just three resources - food, wood and stone.